Sunday, September 16, 2012

Another blasphemous film.

Asalamualikum wr wb.

I hope and pray this email finds you in best of health and taqwa insha Allah! Last night i got to know about another film another blasphemy and riots in Egypt and some 3 dozen people killed. It is very sad. So how are you planning to react to it?

But before i start, let me remind you that a similar test was there when we were facing the cartoon controversy, harime apa wrote in her article 'Reviving the Sunnah is the only way of countering the mockery'' (read the full article here:

Be clear on the freedom to speech bit here:

What does Quran e Karim says about it? why do they keey on doing stuff like this? please see here:

and lastly, this is one of the best talks i came across when there was a question of banning facebook or not banning it was hanging in the air (although i stopped using Facebook then and Alhamdolilah never resumed it) this was amazing, Sheikh Kamaludin's lecture on this topic delivered at LUMS:

So protesting is not about rallies and all that stuff - think beyong it. revolutionize your lifestyle, your self and React in this way!
or how about boycotting these search engines for few days? or may be their products? because we are the one fueling them with our monies to do all this stuff directly or indirectly, no?

Much Jazakillah e khair.
Please remember me in your prayers.

your sister in deen.

PS. if u found this helpful, please spead it!