Asalamualikum Va Rehmatullah
1) Character Improvement:
Relatives, neighbors and the needy:
'Give your relatives their due and also the needy and the traveler in need and do not squander (your wealth)
irresponsibly" (Bani Israel verse 26)
'...and (show) kindness to (your) parents and to near relatives, orphans, the needy and to the neighbors who are
your relatives and the neighbors who are not your relatives' (Al-nisaa verse 8)
'By Allah, he has no faith (the Prophet repeated it three times) whose neighbors are not safe from his wickedness'
Neighbors do not only include people who live next to your home, but also people you stand with with while traveling in a bus, the person in the car next to yours on a busy road, someone in the line at the grocery store. So, take care.
In respect of that i am attaching two very beautiful Ahadith (of Mishkauh and Tibrani Shareef) about how a Mo'min person is full of humbleness love and mercy, more likely Mo'min is personified love!! and is loved.
2) Inculcating sunnah as habits:
(1) Narrated 'Umar bin Abi Salama: I was a boy under the care of Allah's Apostle and my hand used to go around the dish while I was eating. So Allah's Apostle said to me, 'O boy! Mention the Name of Allah and eat with your right hand, and eat of the dish what is nearer to you." Since then I have applied those instructions when eating. (Bukhari, Book #65, Hadith #288)
3) Dua.
A dua after eating meal is attached wherein you Thank Allah subhana va Ta'ala, the provider, of the food you have eaten. I am also attaching a hadith of Rasool Allah Sallalahu Alahe Wassalam in which the ajr of the person thanking after the meal is told almost equivalent to that of a person who has fasted! So every time you eat and thank Allah you get loads of energy and loads of Ajr!! Subhan Allah! so thats the easy sawab trick :)
Remember in dua!
1) Character Improvement:
Relatives, neighbors and the needy:
'Give your relatives their due and also the needy and the traveler in need and do not squander (your wealth)
irresponsibly" (Bani Israel verse 26)
'...and (show) kindness to (your) parents and to near relatives, orphans, the needy and to the neighbors who are
your relatives and the neighbors who are not your relatives' (Al-nisaa verse 8)
'By Allah, he has no faith (the Prophet repeated it three times) whose neighbors are not safe from his wickedness'
Neighbors do not only include people who live next to your home, but also people you stand with with while traveling in a bus, the person in the car next to yours on a busy road, someone in the line at the grocery store. So, take care.
In respect of that i am attaching two very beautiful Ahadith (of Mishkauh and Tibrani Shareef) about how a Mo'min person is full of humbleness love and mercy, more likely Mo'min is personified love!! and is loved.
2) Inculcating sunnah as habits:
(1) Narrated 'Umar bin Abi Salama: I was a boy under the care of Allah's Apostle and my hand used to go around the dish while I was eating. So Allah's Apostle said to me, 'O boy! Mention the Name of Allah and eat with your right hand, and eat of the dish what is nearer to you." Since then I have applied those instructions when eating. (Bukhari, Book #65, Hadith #288)
3) Dua.
A dua after eating meal is attached wherein you Thank Allah subhana va Ta'ala, the provider, of the food you have eaten. I am also attaching a hadith of Rasool Allah Sallalahu Alahe Wassalam in which the ajr of the person thanking after the meal is told almost equivalent to that of a person who has fasted! So every time you eat and thank Allah you get loads of energy and loads of Ajr!! Subhan Allah! so thats the easy sawab trick :)
Remember in dua!
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