Assalamualikum va Rehmatullah
1) Character Improvement:
1) Character Improvement:
Meeting Manners:
' O you who believe, when you are asked to make room in the meetings, then make room. Allah will make room for you (in Akhirah). And when it is said 'move up', then move on. Allah will raise in rank those of you who believe as well as those who are given knowledge. Allah knows what ever you do' (Al Mujadilah, chap 58 - verse 11)
'Do not sit between two men without the permission of both of them' (Au Daud)
'When one of you arrives at a meeting where people are seated, he should say 'salam' to them. and when he wishes to leave, he should say salam to them. (Abu Daud)
2) Inculcating sunnah as habits
I have recently learnt about oiling your hair is also sunnah and the benefits of the same! will Try to practice it and share the benefits will you all too then insha Allah.
Today's Sunnah is eating with right hand, see the attached file, all we have to do is intent that it is sunnah that you are following and reap all the ajr insha Allah!
3) Dua:
Continuing the Meeting manners, the dua for parting/leaving from a gathering is below.
Requesting Prayers,
your sister in Islam.
Source: (apart from google images)
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