Friday, August 3, 2012

The gift that Raamadhan is!

Asaalamualikum wr,

Yes, the gift is Ramadhan and for that we should be thankful!

Subhan Allah! so we had been through quite tough roza's; loads of thirst and heat and sweating and loadshedding so much difficulties right? But Allah Subhanahu va Ta'ala tells in the Quran that Ramadhan is for ease and then Allah Ta'ala re assures that Ramadhan is NOT for difficulty - now the question is how??

okay if we put this debate aside and start a new one: Every nation has a constitution and a capital right? and every nation celebrates their constitution - Are we a nation? do we have a capital? do we have a constitution? do we celebrate it? and how?

Another argument back to Ramadhan: Allah Ta'ala mentions in the quran that fasting is made compulsory so that we can attain what? Taqva!.
now, fasting is refraining from Food, Drinking and physical allowable pleasures - everything physical. and it helps in getting what?? Taqva. something which is totally spiritual right? absolutely not physical. What is this incredible co-relation of this refraining from physical bits to attain spirituality?

In series on questions there is also a concept of Training that Ramadhan is, and easy circumstances that Allah Ta'ala puts us into to go through this training (easy? and training?) and that also a training to teach heart to win! (wining against what?)

also, we're told around 200 times to attain Taqva in Quran, over and over again but how many times we're told to Fast in Ramadhan? JUST ONE!! do you know why?

and last but the most important, ever imagined the CEO of Unilever or telenor or Olpers is personally always available at any phone calls made by security guards of the said companies? too remote an idea?

the highest person in the hierarchy and the lowest in it can not be thought of communicating, let alone the CEO readily awaiting the security guard to come discuss all his problems in the middle of the night?

Is the LORD OF THE UNIVERSE readily awaiting the lowest of HIS slaves? is HE subhanahu va ta'ala near? listening? available?

to get the answers of all the questions i have raised above, and a lot more guidance and knowledge please listen to this one hour full of wisdom lecture:

It should have been before Ramadhan but its not yet late! :)
Highly recommended!
requesting prayers,

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